“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

- Chinese proverb, Lao Tzu

We have all been given this one precious journey.

Throughout our passage here on Earth, we can make of it what we will. Ultimately we have the opportunity to claim it as purposeful and meaningful, amidst whatever may be accompanying us in any one moment. 

Yogis have been doing this for time immemorial. Seeking to find the deeper meaning and connection within, via their body, mind and soul.

This is ‘yoga’; from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’, meaning to yoke or unite within, as well as with the greater Universal consciousness uniting us all, as opposed to feeling separate. Yoga is a comprehensive method and tool towards enhancing this sense of oneness and wholeness, we are all able to delve more deeply into as we practice. 

All we have to do is take the first step……….

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So when to begin? How about right NOW (Atha), the present moment, the only place you can ever be. Whatever is arising we can meet it with (Ahimsa) loving kindness and compassion and enjoy the journey from there. Seeking and finding the (Santosa) contentment and gratitude beyond every single fluctuation (vritti) of thought and sensation within our awareness, breath and physical posture, to re-reside in our True Self, our Divine essence & spiritual being.

Yoga and Holistic Well-being

A Yoga practise can help in so many ways, physically, mentally and emotionally. 

A regular practise will help address many everyday issues such as aches and pains, anxiety, depression, low mood, stress, muscle tension, as well as the swirling of too many thought patterns, as can often be the case within our human experience. 

All of yoga aims to create that sense of space in your body, mind and soul that we all crave….. a special time ~ just for you, beyond all of the mutterings of the mind, to tune into your True Self, your deeper core, to feel more fully awake, alive and free, to be who you truly are here to be in this lifetime.

As we rebalance our physical, mental and emotional bodies, we are able to function at our more optimum level. So many people are surprised at how quickly they begin to feel better, even after the first class. Most people feel clearer, calmer and more energised. 

I offer a range of different classes for people of all levels & abilities. Inclusivity and positivity remain at the heart of each lesson.

‘Self care is a necessity for a fuller life ~ Not a luxury to be put off for another day’ ~ LLH x


A moving meditation to meet your needs. connecting breath to movement to unite body, mind & breath

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Yin and YinYang

Yin with/or without yang to start….

What does your body & mind need?

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Beginners Yoga

Exploring the foundations of alignment whilst staying comfortable & looking after the body as we move with the breath and absorb the principals of yoga

Pregnancy Yoga

Pre & Post natal Yoga

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